Went to the bedroom to tell Ma (That's what I call her now. Hold the little house on the prairie jokes please.) and she had a special package from Aunt Brooke. What is in this thing?
Does she know me or what...BUBBLES!
Then Dad said it was time to get dressed and head out to the store to see my pals. So I put on Grandma Mary Ann's new Elmo dress she got me. Am I stylish or what?!?!
B! Get dressed you're going too! He was like "Are you kidding me, really?"
Before we had a chance to change our minds, Meat head was dressed, buckled in and ready to go. I love him.
So after saying Hi to my gang out front and grabbing a morning sugar cookie with them we went to the Deli, had some cheese, said hi to the stock crew and then I couldn't take it anymore....I gotta see my bakery family! I saw Miss Joan and ran right up to her.
She was ready and waiting for me..An ELMO Balloon!
Then they gave me a card and a Elmo doll with a musical story book! These guys rock!
Then it was doughnut time. Jelly filled sugar with butter cream frosting! LOVE IT!
After that I took a group picture with them. Think I found them a Christmas Card.
Then as we were leaving, the gang out front was waiting for me with a special cake just for me. Thanks guys!
It was FANTASTIC too!

Then my family came over to celebrate. Grandma got me this cool book of colors. I am going to be so smart.
Then my family came over to celebrate. Grandma got me this cool book of colors. I am going to be so smart.
Then a number puzzle. This year I am tearing this paper stuff up.
Aunt Michelle and the cousins got me some beach toys. A princess has got to build a castle...:) More on that later.
Then we took a picture with Grandma and all her grand kids. Love you Grandma!
Then we had a cake with them too. A jell-O Poke cake. YUMMY MOM!
The my buddies Ashlyn with her Mom and Dad, Carl, Lauren, Uncle "T" and Tony cam over.
Got me a new grill. Look out Dad, I feel a throw down coming on!
Uncle "T" got me this great Elmo cell phone so I can keep up with my peeps.
Then for the BIG ONE. What could it be?
Oh MY...The Wonder Pets!
After all this excitement I decided to fire up the new grill with Ashlyn and throw back a few dogs.
What a wonderful birthday you had!! I love all of your fun presents, and will come to play with them with you! Hugs & kisses, maw maw and paw paw