Well last week it was Mothers Day. So I thought it would be a good idea to get the day started for Mom with a BIG breakfast. So first thing I did was put down the turkey sausage. "Got to watch it close" Dad says because it can burn easy.

Time to flip!

These eggs sure are tricky. Being extra careful not to break the yolks. Mom likes to dip stuff in them.
Fresh Florida Strawberries..YUMMY! No one likes those green leaves though...

Some crumpets for Mom to dip. Toasty!

Well after Mom ate her breakfast in world record time (she didn't even wait for me to take a picture. Guess she was super hungry) I decided she needed some adventure today. So we packed up the family and went exploring Lucy style!

After looking over the map we checked on "B"...

Got the shades on, and away we went!

I saw this zebra walking around and thought "He looks fun to ride." So I jumped up and took off with him. He was a little freaked out, if you can't tell by his eyes.

Dad said we was so impressed with my animal skills that he said he was going to make some calls to his pals at Busch Gardens and put me to work. So I went to the wardrobe department, got a uniform...and off I went!

After I got dressed (They even got me some keys for my belt) Mom said she had to get at least a picture of me. Enough Mom...I gotta go to work!

So I started to get to work near the turtles, because Wanie loves them, and there I saw "B" messing around. "B...That's not how you do that!" ( I know beacuse I work here.)

"Here, let me help you. But just this ONE time."

After helping "B" out I loaded up the safari truck and took it out to work with some of the African Animals.

Once out there I came up on this scary cave. Are those bones? I wonder who loves here?


"Hey guys...I'm gonna move the Hyena over there...OK?"

Man they are ugly!

Then off to feed the elephants. They have big poop!

This African heat is a lot to deal with. Gonna work with the Hippo's and cool off. (Sorry if you can't see them here, but it is part of their deal I am told.)

After that I was sent out to tell people all about the Otter's. "Look everyone...Otters!!!"

Well, even a zoo keeper has to stay hydrated. SPECIAL DRINK!

Well I am headed home n0w. Magic are starting their game against the Celtics. GO MAGIC!!!
Lucy! You are so lucky to know what you want to do at such and early age! It looks like you have made a great choice, ad take it from one who has a little brother, if you can help him, you can help anybody ride a turtle! Too much fun!