Hello Peeps! I know many of you have been waiting all year for a glimpse of this years Derby Hat and what kind of Derby Party Dad and I threw, but first, a little reminder... My very first Derby hat. Wow am I a cutie!

Then last years hat during my first ever tea party. Dad really out did himself getting me a matching dress too!

Now before I get to this years hat we have to go through the steps of how I got there. Dad got me up this first Saturday in May and said we better get going, got to get to the store for the party supplies! Then he saw me by the table and said "No Way Kiddo...you're dressing a little too old for my age! Now go back to the room and dress your age!" Apparently he thinks I look a little too old here.
So after a quick wardrobe adjustment we went to the store. Now the cool part was Dad let me have my own cart this year. This rocks! You never know, may need a water raft...

Wow, pretty good price on this cereal! Mom would be so proud of my thrifty shopping habits!
Now better get some fruit for this afternoon. Even though it's a party, you can still eat healthy.
Now it's off to that magical jelly filled part of the store!
THE BAKERY! In my very own cart too!!!

Now we got home and Dad had the usual roses together for the "Run for the Roses" but then there it was...my new hat! Now what made this REALLY SPECIAL is that Dad actually made this hat himself! Thanks DAD! It is so PRETTY!
I knew guests were going to be here soon, so quickly I got changed into my new hat AND my Derby dress! What does everyone think?
Now that everyone was here it was time for some fun outside Derby type of games. Hey "B" watch this... I am going to issue a Boccie Ball throw down on Jenn. He thought this was hilarious.

So I got her outside and issued the throw down. Here we are sizing up the game winning final throw...

After Jenn made her final throw I knew it was time to get down and dirty. It's like she doesn't even know what's going to hit her.

And here's the throw....

Look at this...not even close. Maybe next year Jenn!

So after a great race, great food and a great victory over Jenn it was time for a special treat...rice krispy treat that is..I LOVE Derby Day!

Well happy Derby Day everyone! Next week is Mother's Day...So don't forget everyone...hope your planning something special.
For this weeks poll, what do you like to get your Mom for mothers day (Or for you Mom's out there, what do you like to get?) Have Fun!